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Kingcure 450
Model: Polyamide Amine
Viscosity(mPa.s/25℃): 25000-45000
Amine Value(mg KOH/g): 280-320
Color(Gardner): <12
Specific Gravity(25℃): 0.99
Solids(%): -
AHEW: 125
Use Level(phr): 65
Gel Time(min/150g, 25℃): 200
Thin Film Set Time (hr/25℃): 10.0
Typical Cure Schedule : 2-7 days at ambient
Principal Description:
  Standard medium-viscosity polyamide providing high flexibility, long pot-life and good adhesion to various materials. 1:1 volume ratios with standard liquid epoxy resin possible. Improved reactivity, chemical resistance and/or reduction in viscosity may be achieved by blending with aliphatic hardeners or amidoamines. DOT non-corrosive.
Principal Applications:
  Coatings, sealants, putties, adhesives, cable jointing, concrete repair compounds, complies with FDA 21 CFR 175.300, 21 CFR 176.170 and 21 CFR 175.105.